
Consider yourself blessed if you have a family that loves you and supports you.  It is the absolute best start and foundation for creating a good life.  If you have a family that you feel didn’t give you that foundation, no matter the reasons or circumstance, then you simply must Read more…

Truth is the New Frontier

If politicians, religious leaders, military leaders and teachers were allowed or were courageous enough to tell the truth the world would be very different.  Many who tell the truth are ostracized or fired or imprisoned by the very institution they represent.  Governments around the world speak through a complicated and Read more…


Every child is born curious and hungry to learn.  Every child is a genius according to the meanings of the word genius, which are: ‘to give birth’ and ‘to be zestful or joyous’.  The real meaning of genius is to ‘give birth to the joy’ that is within each child. Read more…

A Call To Action

Consider the state of affairs in the world today.  We have put blind trust in, or in many cases given over all authority to governments, educational and medical institutions, banks and churches for centuries.  Perhaps it would all have been worth it if war, famine, climate change, disease, unemployment, vast Read more…

Your Beautiful Brain

Your brain is your most valuable physical possession, the conductor of your entire being, your intelligence, your humanity, your personality, and your body.  Nothing is more essential to your success than an optimally functioning brain.  Brain cells are more sensitive than other body cells to nutrients and dietary chemicals which Read more…